Building the Future with Precision and Innovation

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About us

Welcome to Blume Technical and Design, where precision meets innovation. Whether you’re embarking on a residential, commercial or industrial project, we offer a comprehensive range of services from 3D laser scanning, to detailed BIM/drafting implementation and handle every aspect of the project process with meticulous attention to detail. 

We believe in fostering strong and collaborative relationships, working closely with you to understand your unique vision and requirements. Our team of talented professionals brings a wealth of experience, creativity, and a passion to each project, ensuring that we exceed your expectations and deliver results that transform your ambitions into reality.

Contact us today to discuss your project and let Blume Technical and Design be the guiding force behind your objectives.



At Blume Technical and Design, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Our expertise includes:

BIM (Building and Information Technology)

Harness the power of BIM technology to streamline your construction projects. Our team utilizes advanced software to optimize collaboration, enhance efficiency, and minimize errors, resulting in cost-effective and sustainable outcomes. 

Drafting Services

From conceptual sketches to detailed drawings, our skilled drafters transform ideas into precise and accurate documentation. We employ the latest tools and techniques to ensure seamless communication and smooth project execution. 

3D Laser Scanning

Experience the cutting-edge technology of 3D laser scanning with our state-of-the-art Trimble X7 scanner. Capture accurate as-built measurements and generate detailed point clouds for a comprehensive understanding of existing structures, facilitating design modifications and restorations. 

Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail and client-centric approach makes us the preferred choice for design and drafting services in the industry.

Meet The Director

Blume Technical & Structural Director Blake Wallis

Blake Wallis

Blake Wallis, the driving force behind Blume Technical and Design, is a seasoned professional with a passion for precision and innovation. With over 14 years of experience in design and drafting, Blake possesses a deep understanding of the industry’s intricacies. 

His expertise extends to advanced BIM software such as Revit, SolidWorks, Navisworks, CADMEP, and 2D CAD programs, enabling him to deliver optimized solutions for complex projects.

Blakes unwavering commitment to achieving exceptional results and exceeding client expectations sets the standard for our team here at Blume Technical and Design.

Let's Get Social

At Blume Technical and Design, we believe in building a strong and engaged community of like-minded individuals who share our passion for design and innovation. We invite you to join us on our social media platforms to stay connected, inspired, and informed about the latest trends, projects, and industry insights. 

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to be part of our vibrant online community. Get a glimpse behind the scenes of our projects, discover design inspirations, and stay up to date with our latest news and announcements. 

Follow us today and become part of the Blume Group family!


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